首页»国产动漫 » 宝宝巴士之神奇简笔画英文版 » 第03集
类型:国产动漫 地区:中国大陆 年份:2016 
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The magical adventure of Baby Bus - Fascinating Doodle English Version:In this enchanting story, a group of adorable animal friends from the Baby Bus embark on a magical journey through their doodle drawings. With their imaginations running wild, they bring their sketches to life and enter an extraordinary world filled with endless possibilities. Guided by their creativity and friendship, they overcome challenges, explore exciting landscapes, and discover hidden treasures. Through this captivating journey, children learn the value of teamwork, creativity, and the power of imagination in shaping their own adventures. Get ready for an epic ride full of laughter, fun surprises, and amazing doodle∷∷!